
The Latest Intervention Against University Autonomy in Turkey

On October 29th, Day of the Republic, the Executive Decree no. 676 issued under conditions of State of Emergency has established a new system to designate university presidents. From now on, presidents of state universities will be appointed by the President of the Republic from among three candidates nominated by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK), and presidents of private foundation universities will be appointed again by the President of the Republic from among three candidates nominated by the board of trustees and approved by YÖK. Please click for the full text.

By |02/11/2016|Comments Off on The Latest Intervention Against University Autonomy in Turkey

Vulnerability Assessment of Syrian Refugees

Science Academy member Ayhan Kaya’s presentation at the 28th annual Academia Europaea Conference on June 2016 can be found here.

Please click to read the report by Ayhan Kaya and Aysu Kırac named “Vulnerability Assessment of Syrian Refugees in Istanbul”

By |29/07/2016|Comments Off on Vulnerability Assessment of Syrian Refugees