Vulnerability Assessment of Syrian Refugees

Science Academy member Ayhan Kaya’s presentation at the 28th annual Academia Europaea Conference on June 2016 can be found here.

Please click to read the report by Ayhan Kaya and Aysu Kırac named “Vulnerability Assessment of Syrian Refugees in Istanbul”

By |29/07/2016|Comments Off on Vulnerability Assessment of Syrian Refugees

The Science Academy Report on Academic Freedoms– 2015

A number of events which have taken place in Turkey point to serious interferences with the academic freedoms much needed by scientists. In order to draw public attention to this matter, The Science Academy has issued its Report on Academic Freedoms 2015, excerpts from which can be found below:

“A founding principle of The Science Academy is freedom in the field of science. Scientific freedom is guaranteed by Article 27 and scientific autonomy by Article 130 of the Turkish Constitution. However, a number of events which have occurred in Turkey have attested to the presence of serious interference …

By |07/05/2015|Comments Off on The Science Academy Report on Academic Freedoms– 2015

The Youth’s Potential and Religious Education: İmam-Hatip Schools and Religion Classes

Science Academy member Prof. Çiğdem Kağıtçıbaşı has penned the report entitled “Youth’s Potential and Religious Education: İmam-Hatip Schools and Religion Classes,” excerpts from which are available below:

“Turkey’s education problem has remained grave throughout the years. Here, access to education is the basic problem. For instance, according to UNESCO’s ‘Education For All’ report dated 2008, the mandatory scholarization rate, which stood at 96% in developed countries, was 88% in Turkey. The same report indicated that, among 86 countries, Turkey was one of those which would not reach the 100% scholarization rate target by 2015.

“Particularly, the difference between girls and …

By |30/01/2015|Comments Off on The Youth’s Potential and Religious Education: İmam-Hatip Schools and Religion Classes

Report on the Draft Law on the Establishment of Health Institutes Administration

“Draft Law on the Establishment  Health Institutes Administration and Amendments to Certain Laws and Executive Decrees” proposes the establishment of Health Institutes Directorate of Turkey (TÜSEB) and a health university, as well as a number of new regulations concerning the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) and universities.

Legal scholar Prof. Yeşim M. Atamer, a member of The Science Academy’s Commission on Ethics and Human Rights, has penned a report criticizing the draft law in terms of scientific principles, law, universities, research and the health system. Below are excerpts from the recently issued report:

“The report hereby was based on the …

By |05/11/2014|Comments Off on Report on the Draft Law on the Establishment of Health Institutes Administration

The Science Academy Report on the New Code of Discipline by YÖK

The amendments to the Council of Higher Education’s (YÖK) Code of Discipline for Directors, Faculty Members and Civil Servants were issued on the Official Gazette dated January 29, 2014 and thereby came into immediate effect. The amendments introduce changes to the individual and scientific freedoms of academics, take certain deeds and activities out of the scope of disciplinary action, reduce sanctions for certain acts while toughening them for others. Furthermore, the amendment also includes measures directly related to scientific activity and especially research, such as plagiarism. The following paragraphs are taken from the report issued by The Science …

By |22/02/2014|Comments Off on The Science Academy Report on the New Code of Discipline by YÖK