Bilim Akademisi Report on Academic Freedoms 2020-2021 (Summary)

The Science Academy has been publishing reports on academic freedom since the year 2015, summarizing the developments and sharing them with the public. The report we have drafted this year is once more a compendium of outstanding violations of academic freedoms in our country. Most of the violations stem from the authority accorded to the President of the Republic under the new laws or decrees, which make interventions and violations such as those enacted at Bogazici University possible, without any proper justification or dialogue with the university bodies before taking action in such critical matters as appointments or the creation …

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The Science Academy Report on ACADEMIC FREEDOMS (2018-2019)

The Science Academy’s fifth report on the situation of academic freedoms in Turkey is released. Please click to read the report.

Please follow the below links for the previous years’ reports.

2015 Report

 2015-2016 Report 

2016-2017 Report.

2017-2018 Report


Turkish academics sound alarm over gender segregation plans

David Matthews – Times Higher Eduation, November 6, 2019


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