Academics Against Immigration Executive Order

Academics in the US have signed a petition against the Executive Order banning immigration from 7 countries. The signatories include 5honorary members and  3 members of the Science Academy. Please click to read the petition.


By |31/01/2017|Comments Off on Academics Against Immigration Executive Order

Umut Şahin Among the 2016 Gilead Turkey Fellowship Award Winners

BAGEP 2016 winner molecular biologist Umut Şahin from Boğaziçi University is among the Gilead Turkey Fellowship Award winners in 2016.

The Gilead Turkey Fellowship Program started in 2013 to support innovative ideas and research projects in HIV, viral hepatitis, hematological malignancies and fungal diseases. Financial grants are awarded on a competitive basis to healhcare professionals and researchers in life sciences.

Gilead Sciences, Inc. is a research-based biopharmaceutical company that discovers, develops and commercializes innovative medicines. Gilead’s portfolio of products includes treatments for HIV/AIDS, cancer, viral hepatitis and cardiovascular conditions.

Umut Şahin (PhD), together with Fehmi Tabak (MD) from Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine …

By |12/12/2016|Comments Off on Umut Şahin Among the 2016 Gilead Turkey Fellowship Award Winners

Ali Koşar Among TGC Sedat Simavi Award Winners

Bagep 2014 winner Ali Koşar is among Journalists’ Society of Turkey (TGC) 2016 Sedat Simavi Awards winners.

Ali Koşar was awarded in the category of sciences for his work with the title of Numerical and experimental investigation on the effects of diameter and length on high mass flux subcooled flow boiling in horizontal microtubes.

By |07/12/2016|Comments Off on Ali Koşar Among TGC Sedat Simavi Award Winners

New Members of the Science Academy (November 2016)

The following scientists were elected as Science Academy, Turkey  members at the General Assembly on  27.11.2016.


Honorary Member

Dan P. McKenzie, Geology, University of Cambridge



Hüsnü Can Başer, Pharmacy, Near East University

Ayşe Çağlar, Anthropology, University of Vienna

Ömer İlday, Physics, Bilkent University

Nesrin Hasırcı, Chemistry, Middle East Technical University

M. Pınar Mengüç, Mechanical Engineering,Energy,  Özyeğin University

Marsel Meşulam, Neurology, Northwestern University

Ali Polat, Geology, University of Windsor

Yasemin Soysal, Sociology, University of Essex

Tarık Tihan, Pathology, University of California

Aslıhan Yener, Archeology, Koç University / University of Chicago

Kamil Yılmaz, …

By |01/12/2016|Comments Off on New Members of the Science Academy (November 2016)

The Latest Intervention Against University Autonomy in Turkey

On October 29th, Day of the Republic, the Executive Decree no. 676 issued under conditions of State of Emergency has established a new system to designate university presidents. From now on, presidents of state universities will be appointed by the President of the Republic from among three candidates nominated by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK), and presidents of private foundation universities will be appointed again by the President of the Republic from among three candidates nominated by the board of trustees and approved by YÖK. Please click for the full text.

By |02/11/2016|Comments Off on The Latest Intervention Against University Autonomy in Turkey