Namık Kemal Pak – Obituary

The Science Academy member Durmuş Ali Demir penned an obituary for Namık Kemal Pak, Science Academy member we lost in November 2015.

To read the article please click.

By |09/05/2016|Comments Off on Namık Kemal Pak – Obituary

İlhan Tekeli Awarded Jury Prize, Sakıp Sabancı International Research Awards

The Science Academy member İlhan Tekeli was awarded the Jury prize at Sakıp Sabancı International Research Awards 2016.

This year the awards main focus was “New Centers in Turkey: Economy, Education, Art and Peace in Cities”.

The Special Jury Prize was given to İlhan Tekeli  for his work on urban and regional planning, planning theory, macro-geography, migration geography and political behavior, history and theory of local administrations in Turkey, urbanization and urban policy, economic policy, the economic history of Turkey, and urban and community studies.


By |02/05/2016|Comments Off on İlhan Tekeli Awarded Jury Prize, Sakıp Sabancı International Research Awards

German Mathematical Societies’ Joint Open Letter

German mathematical society (Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung), the German geoscientific societies (Dachverband Geowissenschaften), and the German society for mathematical logic and philosophy of science (Deutsche Vereinigung für Mathematische Logik und für Grundlagenforschung der
Exakten Wissenschaften) have sent a joint open letter to the attention of the Prime Minister of Turkey, Ahmet Davutoğlu.

To read the letter, please click.

By |28/04/2016|Comments Off on German Mathematical Societies’ Joint Open Letter

The Science Academy Report on Freedom of Expression, Science and Social Development

A number of events which have taken place in 2016 in Turkey points to serious interferences with  freedom of expression & academic freedoms much needed by scientists.

In order to draw public attention to this matter, The Science Academy has issued  a report of Freedom of Expression, Science and social Development on April 18, 2016

Please click to read the report in English.

The Academy has previously made also two announcements on the state of freedem of expression in January  and in April.

By |27/04/2016|Comments Off on The Science Academy Report on Freedom of Expression, Science and Social Development

The Science Academy’s Second Declaration on Freedom of Expression

Freedom of Expression, Law, Democracy, Social Development and Power


In view of the fact that a group of academics (“Academics for Peace”) who signed a petition are facing pressures including dismissal and imprisonment, we would once again like to underscore citizens’ and academics’ freedom of expression, and right to express their opinions. These rights and freedoms constitute the sine qua non of democracy and the rule of law. The free sharing of opinions and information serves as a guarantee for social consensus and a healthy and democratic dialogue among all citizens. Academics, who are expected to produce and disseminate fresh information …

By |18/04/2016|Comments Off on The Science Academy’s Second Declaration on Freedom of Expression

BAGEP 2016 Award Ceremony (14.04.2016)

BAGEP 2016 Award Ceremony was held on April 14, 2016 at the METU Conference Center.

The winners (see below)  received their awards. For photos from the ceremony please click.



BAGEP 2016 Winners

Alper Açık Özyeğin University Psychology
Özgür Akarsu İstanbul Technical University Physics
İbrahim Semih Akçomak Middle East Technical University Science and Technology Politics
Bülent Akgün Boğaziçi University Chemistry
Nuray Akın Özyeğin University Economy
Selim Aksoy Bilkent University Computer Engineering
Hakan Altan Middle East Technical University Physics
Erchan Aptoula Okan University Computer Engineering
Gizem Arıkan Yaşar University International Relations
Selim Erdem Aytaç Koç University International Relations
Sreeparna Banerjee Middle East Technical University Biology
Alp Bassa Boğaziçi University Mathematics
Bilge Baytekin Bilkent University Chemistry
Özgür Birer Koç University Chemistry
Ayşecan Boduroğlu Boğaziçi University Psychology
Ayşegül Buğra Koç University Law
Seymur Cahangirov Bilkent University Physics
Barış Coşkunüzer Koç University Mathematics
Hümeyra Çağlayan Abdullah Gül University Physics
Betül Çelebi Saltık Hacettepe University Medicine
Özge Çevik Cumhuriyet University Biochemistry
Muhammed Kasım Diril Dokuz Eylül University Biology
Fabienne …
By |15/04/2016|Comments Off on BAGEP 2016 Award Ceremony (14.04.2016)

NATURE Editorial – Power of the Pen (24.03.2016)

Scientists must unite to stop Turkey from removing the right to freedom of expression.

When he labelled outspoken academics as terrorists, Turkey’s increasingly authoritarian President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was probably not thinking of Voltaire’s eighteenth-century philosophical maxim: “To hold a pen is to be at war”.

Erdoğan sent shivers down the spines of those who care about human rights by declaring on 14 March that those who support terrorists are as guilty as those “who pull the trigger”, and …

By |24/03/2016|Comments Off on NATURE Editorial – Power of the Pen (24.03.2016)

Support From International Academies on Freedom of Speech

We have already shared The International Human Rights Network of Academies and Scholarly Societies (IHRNASS)  statement on freedom of speech in Turkey. (please click)

On January 21, 2016 ICSU (International Council of Scientific Unions)  shared their letter to President Tayyip Erdoğan regarding freedom of speech in Turkey. (please click)

On February 1, 2016 ALLEA (All European Academies) shared their support regarding freedom of speech issues in Turkey. (please click)



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The Science Academy’s Report on Homeopathy

An unscientific disease treatment method: Homeopathy

Recently we have been worried to see certain universities, and even faculties of medicine, promote and host meetings on homeopathy in their campuses.
Although devoid of any active medical substance, homeopathic treatment is seen to replace medical methods in certain cases, putting the lives of patients at serious risk.

To read the full report please click.

By |22/03/2016|Comments Off on The Science Academy’s Report on Homeopathy