Statement of the Science Academy about the Ban on Wikipedia in Turkey

Blocking access to an encyclopedia that is used as a reference material at every level of education, and thus severing a channel of access to information deprives our society from information and open debate. Such an approach seriously undermines Turkey’s image in the 21st century.

Please click to read the Science Academy’s statement about the ban on Wikipedia in Turkey.


By |17/05/2017|Comments Off on Statement of the Science Academy about the Ban on Wikipedia in Turkey

Daron Acemoglu wins BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award

The Science Academy, Turkey member Daron Acemoglu has won this year’s BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award for Economics, Finance, and Management, in honor of his prolific research contributions that have helped reshape his discipline over the last two decades.

The BBVA Foundation awards are high-profile prizes across a range of disciplines. The foundation honors recipients in eight intellectual and artistic categories for “contributions of broad impact for their originality and theoretical significance,” including “research work that successfully enlarges the scope of our current knowledge.”


Daron Acemoglu  is the Elizabeth and James Killian Professor of Economics at MIT.


Photo: Allegra Boverman


By |21/03/2017|Comments Off on Daron Acemoglu wins BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award

Timothy Garton Ash, Istanbul Conference Video

The Science Academy welcomed world-renowned historian Prof. Timothy Garton Ash , in the second of its recently launched Annual Lectures. At the conference held on 16 February 2017 at Boğaziçi University, Prof. Garton Ash gave a lecture on free speech titles “Free Speech Under Attack”

Please click to watch the video:

By |21/02/2017|Comments Off on Timothy Garton Ash, Istanbul Conference Video

Academics Against Immigration Executive Order

Academics in the US have signed a petition against the Executive Order banning immigration from 7 countries. The signatories include 5honorary members and  3 members of the Science Academy. Please click to read the petition.


By |31/01/2017|Comments Off on Academics Against Immigration Executive Order