Namık Kemal Pak – Obituary

The Science Academy member Durmuş Ali Demir penned an obituary for Namık Kemal Pak, Science Academy member we lost in November 2015.

To read the article please click.

By |09/05/2016|Comments Off on Namık Kemal Pak – Obituary

İlhan Tekeli Awarded Jury Prize, Sakıp Sabancı International Research Awards

The Science Academy member İlhan Tekeli was awarded the Jury prize at Sakıp Sabancı International Research Awards 2016.

This year the awards main focus was “New Centers in Turkey: Economy, Education, Art and Peace in Cities”.

The Special Jury Prize was given to İlhan Tekeli  for his work on urban and regional planning, planning theory, macro-geography, migration geography and political behavior, history and theory of local administrations in Turkey, urbanization and urban policy, economic policy, the economic history of Turkey, and urban and community studies.


By |02/05/2016|Comments Off on İlhan Tekeli Awarded Jury Prize, Sakıp Sabancı International Research Awards